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Welcoming Rabbi Yoel Kahn
Rabbi Kahn is Beth Am’s new and  part-time member of the clergy team. Rabbi Kahn, a life-long resident of the Bay Area and now Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth El in Berkeley, is an experienced and skilled rabbi who brings his talents to Beth Am.

Beth Am Shared Identity Project
Our Beth Am Shared Identity Project is now underway. We are focused on YOU and YOUR needs and hopes for your Jewish life, community and future. This project depends on each of you, and will help Beth Am build a better Jewish future for our congregation. Says project lead Jim Heeger, “It’s a personal look forward that will help define Beth Am’s core purpose, values and inform our strategic direction for years to come.”


Caregivers Sh'ma Groups
Are you caring for a spouse? If you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. You can take part in a Sh’ma group — not therapy, but a safe and friendly space to share stories. This group format has proved successful here at Beth Am in helping us start meaningful, supportive conversations. You will have guidelines for suggested topics and respectful interactions. You can easily form or join a group; the leadership duties are minimal and help from clergy is continually available. Groups are now forming. Join in! For more information, please contact Rabbi Watenmaker at rabbi_watenmaker@betham.org.

Support Israel
We continue to grieve for the families who lost loved ones on October 7th and pray for the immediate return of all the remaining hostages being held in Gaza. As a community, we know that we are not whole; a rise in antisemitism locally and nationally, the threats of an expanded regional war, the constant anxiety and discomfort of going to school or work. Learn how you can become involved.


January/February Clergy Column by Rabbi Shoshana Nambi: Honoring the Trees That Sustain Us
Tu Bishvat is one of my favorite Jewish holidays because it allows us to honor the trees that sustain us. We remember those who have planted trees for our benefit, and in turn, we plant trees for the future of our world. Growing up in Uganda, my family and I were graced by the presence of one of the largest and oldest muvule (rock elm) trees, which grew in the front yard of our house.

Celebrate Tu Bishvat With Beth Am
Tu Bishvat, or the New Year of the Trees, is Jewish Arbor Day. The holiday is observed on the 15th (tu) of the Hebrew month of Shvat. Scholars believe that originally Tu Bishvat was an agricultural festival, marking the emergence of spring. In the 16th century, Kabbalists created a ritual for Tu Bishvat that is similar to a Passover seder. Today, many Jews hold a modern version of the Tu Bishvat seder each year. The holiday has also become a tree-planting festival in Israel, in which Israelis and Jews around the world plant trees in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends. Come celebrate Tu Bishvat with Congregation Beth Am!

Celebrate Purim 2025 With Beth Am
Get your costumes and groggers ready for Purim, the holiday of joy and laughter! We'll have opportunities for people of all ages to hear the Megillah and celebrate the triumph of Esther and Mordechai over the wicked Haman. Click through to find a schedule of Beth Am Purim celebrations.

Help Beth Am Thrive

February 2025 Fund in Focus: Dayenu Fund for Sustainability
The Dayenu Circle at Beth Am is working hard to take collective action to support our own greener campus (such as our upcoming solar panel installation) as well as to activate change beyond our doors (like calling voters about making environmentally conscious decisions). If you are interested in helping financially support climate change activism at Beth Am, please consider making a contribution to the Beth Am Dayenu Fund for Sustainability.


Legacy Giving
Are you a philanthropist? Yes, you are! Legacy Giving is for everyone! Our congregation is filled with philanthropists — including YOU. Beth Am was built and is sustained by the gifts of time, talent and financial resources offered by our members for 70 years. When each of us came here, we found a community and a campus filled with opportunities for us and for our families. Now, it is our responsibility to ensure that the next 70 years are just as wonderful for the generations who are growing up now — or have not yet been born. 



February Tzedakah Box Benefits the Los Angeles Jewish Federation Wildfire Crisis Relief Fund
In response to the devastating wildfires raging in the Los Angeles area, Beth Am's Tzedakah Box collection for February will continue to support the Los Angeles Jewish Federation Wildfire Crisis Relief Fund. There will certainly be a great deal of financial, physical and emotional support needed in the coming days and weeks. Many of us have relatives and friends who have lost their homes and businesses and others who have been evacuated from their homes, living in fear. The Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center has burned to the ground and other synagogues and churches are still in harm's way. It's a very scary time.

Reproductive Justice is a Jewish Value
On October 27, Beth Am’s Reproductive Justice group held a Post Abortion Care Packing event in partnership with the National Council of Jewish Women-San Francisco, and cosponsored by Beth Am Women. The event was held in an effort to provide our community with an opportunity to practice the Jewish value of Reproductive Freedom, and also to increase awareness of the importance of a woman's right to choose.


Silicon Valley Allied for the Common Good Launches, Pledging Community Solidarity Beyond Election Outcomes
On the eve of a pivotal national election, nearly 600 leaders and community members from 17 founding organizations, including Congregation Beth Am from Los Altos Hills, and several guests gathered to launch Silicon Valley Allied for the Common Good (SVACG). It is the first broad-based community organization in the region affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation. The event marked a new era of multi-faith collective commitment to building power and fighting for concrete change in one of America’s most influential—and most unequal—regions. Congregation Beth Am was one of the original institutions involved in this effort. So far, Beth Am is the only Jewish institution involved, but several other synagogues have expressed interest.


Adult Education Opportunities
We have an exciting schedule of learning opportunities this winter, including: a new Modern Jewish Literature Class series with Ariel Horowitz; (re)Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Arthur Nemitoff; and of course, our “oldies but goodies” classes. Whether you are a talmid chacham (Torah scholar) or new to Judaism, Jewish learning is for you! Please visit the Adult Education webpage for full class descriptions and registration information.

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Sh'vat 5785