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Find past sermon and lecture videos in our archives.

Erev Shabbat Sermons
Video Archives: Vimeo | YouTube
Text Archives: 2020-2025 (pdfs) | Older archives dating back to 2000 (pdfs)

Guest Speakers & Events
Video Gallery Archive | YouTube

Holy Day Sermons & Yizkor Sermons
Video Archive
Text Archive

Holiday Services (including High Holy Days)
Video Archive

Adult Education
Torah Study Archive

Youth Education
Youth Education Video Archive

The Builder Newsletter
Newsletter Issues Archive

Many thanks to the Beth Am Archive Working Group. Learn more about the Archive Working Group.

Archives Mission

Congregation Beth Am was established in 1955 and is the oldest reform synagogue between San Francisco and San Jose. The Beth Am archive is established as a repository of the records, documents, publications and images relating to the history and administration of Congregation Beth Am. 

The goals of the archive are to:

  • Collect, preserve, and maintain a record of our synagogue's history, including its religious, educational, social, and cultural activities, as well as the personal papers, talks, and sermons of our clergy. 
  • Make our archival materials accessible through a variety of electronic and physical means.
  • Provide archival aids for understanding our synagogue's history and its relevance to our lives.

The archive is managed by the Beth Am Archives Working Group. We believe that our synagogue's archive is a valuable resource for our community, providing a connection to our past and inspiration for our future. The Beth Am Archives Working Group is committed to making our archive accessible to staff, clergy, synagogue members and the greater community.

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Sh'vat 5785