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Streaming Instructions On Shabbat
On Friday night: Tune in at 6:15 PM to watch the Shabbat evening livestream. If you miss the 6:15 PM livestream (or a later time works better for you), you may watch the service "on demand" on the Erev Shabbat Services playlist on the Beth Am YouTube channel. Shabbat morning services (including B'nei Mitzvah) begin at 10:30 AM.
You may follow along in our texts for the Erev (evening) Shabbat service and the morning Shabbat service using the Kindle version of the Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur. Want to own your own hardcopy prayerbook? Order it here.
Streaming Help
Visit our Streaming FAQs page for some troubleshooting tips.
Sermon & Service Archives
SERMON video recordings and texts in our archives or posted in the Erev Shabbat Sermons YouTube playlist.
SERVICE recordings are available on the Beth Am YouTube Channel. Two playlists are available:
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Donations to Beth Am help make streaming possible and are always appreciated.