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End of Year Giving: 2022

2022 Tax-deductible contributions must arrive by Friday, December 30.

As we approach the end of the calendar year, a reminder of the many ways to make end of year gifts to Beth Am to support our community and provide you with tax advantages for this year’s filing. We hope you will consider Beth Am in your year-end charitable plans.
Gifts to the Annual Campaign can be made by:

  • Check (mail to our office, with “Annual Campaign” in the memo)
  • Credit card (directly using the Annual Campaign form, or log into your ShulCloud account and make a gift or pledge)
  • Stock gift (a great way to avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated securities). Email Mandy Eisner for instructions.
  • For donors 70 ½ years or older, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution to Beth Am directly from your IRA. Contact your IRA fund custodian to get started.
  • Check your employer’s matching gift policy to see if Beth Am qualifies to receive matching gifts – it’s free money that can double your donation!
  • Have an old car parked in your driveway that you don’t drive anymore? We accept vehicle donations and make the process super easy for you.

The Annual Campaign supports the day to day life of this community — funding staff, scholarships and programs for members of all ages. There has always been a gap between what we collect in membership contributions and what it costs to provide our full range of services and care for our members. That’s a fact of life for every synagogue. This is true for youth education as well — there is roughly a 30% gap between what we charge for education tuition and what it actually costs. This is intentional, to make membership and our youth education programs as accessible as possible. But it means that we must rely on additional fundraising to make the system work! The Annual Campaign is a critical resource for ensuring our congregation’s financial stability.

We ask you to place Beth Am at the top of your year-end giving list, and for your generosity this year. Visit www.betham.org/give for more info, or contact Mandy Eisner, (650) 493-4661, ext. 211.

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784