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Celebrate Passover 2024 With Beth Am

Passover Begins on Monday Evening, April 22

Check out the information below on Beth Am Passover programming, a downloadable URJ seder supplement (with four questions focused on conversations about Israel), a JFCS mitzvah opportunity and Passover resources.

Each year, Passover calls us to remember the Exodus from Egypt as if we, personally, had journeyed from slavery to freedom. As we retell this story, we pray that one day all people who are still enslaved will be free. As the Haggadah teaches us, "In every generation, each of us must see ourselves as if we personally went out from Egypt." We celebrate Pesach not simply to repeat the tale of our enslavement and liberation, but to find new and personal meaning in that narrative each year. As Passover approaches, it’s time to think about how we’ll prepare for the arrival of the Feast of Freedom! As you cleanse your homes of chametz (products with leavening), please consider donating unopened packages to the hungry.

Passover Mitzvah Opportunity

Donate a Seder Sack to a neighbor in need through our partners at JFCS! With every gift of $36, you provide Passover foods and essentials to an isolated senior, an adult with disabilities, or a family in crisis. Give now at

How Is This Passover Different From All Other Passovers?

Download a URJ Seder Supplement with four questions focused on conversations about Israel. The war in Gaza has created a rupture in our Jewish communities, and in some of our families. As we gather for Passover to share the story of our liberation, we pray for the safe return of those held hostage, and our hearts break for all those who suffer. We may worry that conversations around our tables this year will be fraught, or even impossible. But now, more than ever, it is critical to ask questions and to listen to one another. LEARN MORE

Other Passover Resources

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784