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January Tzedakah Box: Tzedek Centers

Tzedek Centers

“Tzedek Centers,” established in 2016 to strive to promote democracy, equality and solidarity in Israeli society. Running eight hubs around the country, Tzedek Centers engage in community organizing, professional field work and activist training. They envision opening centers in every city in Israel — centers that will be a home to any gender, ethnic group or socioeconomic status. At a time when hope feels hard to come by, their work for a better future is a true inspiration.

Tzedek — the Hebrew word for justice — is a value which informs the group’s entire approach to their work and their ultimate vision for a shared Arab-Jewish society. Theirs is a vision of a country where Palestinians and Jews can lead together to a better future, reshaping the politics, policies and every citizen’s relationship with Israel itself.

Learn more about the Tzedek Centers.

A donation can be made:

  • on our website
  • @Beth-Am on Venmo
  • by check made payable to “Congregation Beth Am” mailed to the Administrative Office as follows:

Congregation Beth Am
Attn: Tzedakah Box — Tzedek Centers
26790 Arastradero Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Thank you.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784